We hear from seven IMAGE staffers on what they’ve been reading lately, and what’s next on their to-be-read list…
, and loved it. All about the peaks and pits of coming of age online, it’s a really interesting take on social media and the idea that influencers often end up cannibalising parts of themselves for work… you’ll fly through it. Yomi Adegoke’s book,, seems to be in a similar vein so I think I’ll tackle that one next. Caroline O’Donoghue’sA book that I couldn’t put down recently wasby Jodie Chapman.
Nick and Anna’s love story begins at their neighbourhood cinema, where they fall for each other. However, the obstacles they face are substantial. Anna’s family and her strong religious beliefs stand in the way of their future together. Despite their eventual breakup, the bond they share remains unbreakable. As time passes, Nick’s family life takes a heartbreaking turn, and he struggles to find genuine happiness.
It reminded me of that first love that never really leaves you – the agony of wrong turns and a longing for what could have been. A beautifully written story of love in all its forms.by Elizabeth Taylor . Something about autumn always makes me want to delve into older books, perhaps a hangover from that back to school or college feeling when September meant tackling a new reading list.