A review of the 2023 Dáil, highlighting controversies surrounding politicians and their actions.
A flip-flopping tragicomedy, Biden blarney and the riotous right: Miriam Lord’s review of 2023DáilThis was celebrity catnip for the public and manna from heaven for media organisations. Print sales and online traffic spiked whenever the story was featured.A new year and a new Taoiseach.
The Dáil resumed with Leo Varadkar already down one junior minister when Fine Gael’s Damien English resigned after the Ditch website reported that he filed incorrect information in a 2008 planning application for a house in rural Meath. Then controversy erupted over Cabinet cherub Paschal Donohoe’s failure to declare more than €1,000 in costs for postering services supplied by a businessman friend during the 2016 general election. Six men, four shifts, two vans, a disputed 150 posters and an extravagance of cable ties in Dublin Central.Mary Lou McDonald, from the same constituency, was beside herself. These men were seen hanging up cardboard Paschals “in broad daylight in the middle of the day!” The Minister for Public Expenditure was crestfalle
2023 Dáil Review Controversies Politicians Actions