A sentient, parasitic artificial intelligence known as 'The Entity' has managed to infiltrate the intelligence networks of all major political powers....
, returns to the series as Eugene Kittridge. The finale sequence involves a death-defying stunt involving a train and fights aboard said train, and all the while, there's a queasy sense of unease as to what is real and what isn't. In the first 'Mission: Impossible', so much of what made it so confusing but brilliant was we were never sure if what we were being shown was correct.
'Mission: Impossible' has always dealt with old reliable threats like nuclear war and mad scientists, but 'Dead Reckoning' plays with the very real and not even close to being unimaginable fear of artificial intelligence and disinformation. There's a whole sequence that sees Simon Pegg's reliable voice-in-the-ear being copied by the all-seeing, all-knowing AI to give the Cruiser false directions.