EXCLUSIVE - Interview with PopeFrancis. 'Corruption is the scandal that makes me suffer. Pedophilia? The Church can no longer cover it up” Pontifex FrancescoGrana
Your Holiness, ten years ago, March 13, 2013, you were elected as pope. So what is your analysis of this decade in office?
The analysis will be done by his Lord in a moment he believes is fitting. The way in which He will do it He says so himself in chapter 25 of the Gospel of Matthew: “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.
Importantly there was the worldwide summit on pedofilia within the clergy in February 2019 and all the reforms that came from it. Something really struck me from that summit. I asked the presidents of the episcopal conferences of all the world to prepare themselves for the meeting by listening to the victims. Many of them told me that they had never herd directly from the victims before that point and that they found themselves crying with them: “the gift of tears”. This, I believe, was the most important and radical change of mentality in the Church to confront the abuse: to start by listening to the victims.
Recently, I read a quote from the senator reminding us that you don’t go to Auschwitz for an outing but you pay homage so as not to forget about the holocaust. This struck me hard because it is really this that I felt in my heart when I went to Auschwitz in 2016, and I didn’t want to make a speech in the same way that my two predecessors had. I wanted to pray alone in silence.The Church needs to venture out into the world, it needs to be among the people.
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