Susanna Arigho is an associate in the Audit and Assurance graduate programme at Deloitte
I was attracted to the graduate programme as it gave me the opportunity to complete my professional accounting qualification while gaining experience. The company also provides fantastic support to their graduates completing their exams.
To be starting my career with a group of other graduates who are also navigating balancing work, exams and a social life was another key factor in my decision to join the grad programme.I am working in the consumer, technology, and business department as an audit associate. This offers me the opportunity to gain experience and insight across a wide range of industries. I am constantly learning and facing new challenges.
I work from the office two or three days a week. It’s great to have the flexibility to work from home or the office. Being in the office is a great way to meet fellow graduates and those on my team.Mentorship is very important to me. When joining the graduate programme, you are assigned a buddy to help you get settled in. You are also assigned a coach who is there to provide support and give feedback on how you are performing.
The mentorship that has been provided to me has been invaluable and has helped me to settle in easily and grow in confidence.I am still very early on in my career, so I am still not quite sure where I see myself. In five years I will have my professional accountancy qualification which will give me opportunities not only here in Ireland but also internationally. I would be interested in experiencing working and living abroad at some point in the future.
I’d also recommend applying for a summer internship with Deloitte as this gives you the best insight as to what the graduate programme is like and what your day-to-day role would look like.